Kristy Laughed

"Then the Lord said to Abraham, "Why did Sarah laugh and say, 'Will I really have a child, now that I am old?' Is anything to hard for the Lord?" ~Genesis 18-13-14a

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Feeling a lot like a Slacker

If you couldn't tell already, I'm going through a little bit of a slump. I know it's nothing major, but I'm just tired and lazy. I'm getting my work done, but really only the things that have to be done RIGHT NOW! I can tell that I was working a lot getting things ready for the beginning of the academic year and that I haven't taken much me time, but it's like now I'm doing over kill. I was up last night reading until almost 4am and didn't bother to wake up this morning. Didn't really care if I did or not. I'm going to one of my kids footballs games this afternoon and to a talk about youth and the media this evening, so it's not like I won't do stuff today. But really, who cares. I really wish I had a work ethic, but I don't. I only have one when I have to have one or get some manic desire to clean like I'm crazy.

But I'm a slacker, and I know I'm a slacker. I could get more done, but I apparently live by the procrastinators moto, "Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow?"

I do have to say, that I'm slowly getting things done around the house. I finally bought a rug for my living room that I've been looking at for like 3 months and it's really pulled the room together. Now all I have to do is get some of my artwork framed so that at least one room in my house is complete. After that, I'm going to tackle my dining room, which is also on the verge of finished and then it's onto my office. So, by about the time Hell thaws out next spring, my house might start actually looking like a house and not like someone put their stuff in a house and left.

My goal is that by the middle of next week, even if there are no pictures that the main floor of my house will actually look like a home and not like a really crappy apartment. Somebody call me on it to see if I get it done!

Friday, September 15, 2006

Better Tequilla

So after watching the first season and starting the second season of Grey's Anatomy, I've come to the conclusion that Meredith needs a better bottle of tequilla. Yes, I understand I'm talking about a fictional character, but I also understand her emotions and the girl really needs a better bottle of tequilla.

She's been drinking the bottom of the line Jose Cuervo, (yes it's sad that I can see the back of the bottle of tequilla and know what kind it is) but I'm serious. It's embarassing and just about awful to have that kind of emotions attached to anything. According to a very unscientific poll, I'm most like Cristiana. I really hate emotions. They piss me off when I have them. They piss me off to have to deal with them. It pisses me off when I cry which makes me cry even more. Let me tell you, not a pretty sight. A very few select people have seen me that upset/angry. Hannie~ I'm sorry that you've had to see that side of me, but you handled it well.

Right now it seems like everyone in my congregation is trying to marry me off... including my pastors. It drives me nuts because I think deep down inside that I really do want to be married. Now I know that it's completely normal to have those feelings, it's another thing to wish you didn't have those feelings and to hide behind the idea that you are strong enough not to really want that. It means being vulnerable, which anyone who knows me knows there is nothing I hate more than being vulnerable.

Hannah has started this wedding poll, and it's fun and funny. And some how I've managed to be at the top of most lists... actually including mine, and so did Julianna. And I think that I can say, you've got the two girls most likely to deny any emotions at the very top of the list. How that happened I'm not that sure.

But I do know this. I need a bigger and better bottle of tequilla. So, if anyone is heading out... I'd really like to have a bottle of patron silver, a shaker of salt, and a couple of limes.


Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The Pastors Apologize

Last week we handed out Bibles to our 4th graders... each Bible had the name of the child on the inside dedication page and then on a sticky-note on the outside at the pastors' request so they could know whose was whose... we were missing two kids because i didn't have their names, so i went out to get Bibles for them quickly... however... my pastors'... not being able to find the dedication page or apparently read the sticky-notes made especially for them, simply started handing out Bibles to random kids... so everything is all mixed up!

So, this week, this is going into the weekly announcements...

Our DCE should know better than to entrust simple tasks like keeping books in order to the pastors. 4th graders should check to make sure they got the right Bibles last week, and take them to Kristy if they need to be switched. Thanks. The Pastors

God bless a sense of humor!